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  • US $230,000+
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4.4 /5
  • 공급업체 서비스
  • 정시 배송
  • 제품 품질
親切で安心して取り引きができました すごい、優良なショップです 対応も早く親切にしていただきました ありがとう

    공급업체의 응답:

    こんにちは、私たちの取引に関して好意的なコメントとフィードバックをいただき、誠にありがとうございます。 私たちはすべてのお客様に最高の製品品質、価格、サービスを提供することに尽力しています。 あなたの賞賛が私たちが前進する原動力です! 今後ともより一層のご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。
    15 Apr 2024
    one of the worst experience we have ever had. We placed an order for four custom trailers on May 26, 2023 with a production timeline of maximum 60 days, the company did not comply with the timeline and quality at all. they literally blackmailed us with charging us additional costs for redoing of the wrong work they performed. it took them over 6 months to deliver the items, when the items arrived, we were very shocked and surprised with such a worst quality and service. we claimed a refund, but the Alibaba inspection team made the decision in the favor of the company. my advise to all buyers is. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY. whoever wants me to provide further details please contact me.

      공급업체의 응답:

      Dear customer, all of our customization is based on the drawings you provided. And we promptly discovered and corrected the errors in the drawings, and even borne some additional costs for you due to drawing errors. For the 6-month delivery you mentioned, Our production time is less than two months, and all transportation is provided by your freight forwarder. This delay is caused by your freight forwarder and has nothing to do with us. During the production process, your engineers have been in our factory for production guidance, and after the production is completed, your engineer also conducted a comprehensive inspection of your trailer in the factory. Only after receiving confirmation from you and your engineer can we end the production. All of our customization and production are carried out after receiving your confirmation. Alibaba has also made a fair judgment based on facts, hope you can understand. We look forward to providing you with better service in the future.
      04 Mar 2024
      모든 리뷰 보기
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